Schadler, Cornelia: Ever more parents in polyamorous families: A new materialist typology of parenting practices and division of work. In: Sexualities

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An analysis of parents that are a part of polyamorous networks—networks of three, four, or even more residential or highly available parents—shows three types of parenting practices: poly-nuclear, hierarchical, and egalitarian parenting. Especially, the hierarchical and egalitarian parenting practices show novel divisions of care work and a transgression of gender norms. However, in-depth new materialist analysis of qualitative interviews also shows how parents are, in specific situations, pushed toward standard family models and thus unintentionally maintain traditional family structures and gender roles.

Boka En

Boka En (they/them) lehrt seit 2015 an verschiedenen Universitäten in Österreich, unter anderem zu Intimitäten, Sexualitäten, Aktivismen und allgemeinen Themen der Gender & Sexuality Studies. Boka schließt seit geraumer Zeit „gerade“ oder „bald“ their Dissertationsprojekt zu Ein- und Ausschlüssen in LGBTIQ*-Aktivismus und -Wissenschaft an der Universität Wien ab, findet aber immer wieder (aus Interesse oder/und Bedürfnis nach Einkommen) andere Betätigungsfelder.